Sunday, 15 January 2012

Embaressment Central-The joys of IBS

 As if being tired all of the time, in pain constantly and feeling like some kind of hypochondriac alien from another planet wasn’t enough to ruin any type of social life that you may be already missing out on, along comes IBS.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome seems to go hand in hand with Fibromyalgia, according to a run of the mill Google search as many as 49% of Fibro sufferers have the condition.  If you are wondering what IBS is like, for me anyway…. let me put it bluntly you have uncontrollable diarrhoea, stomach cramps, bloating and flatulence. Next stop - Embarrassment central!
Everything you eat goes right through you, so if you do go out anywhere avoiding food before and during your excursion is a must – so forget about lunch out with the girls, Barbies and all of the fun stuff you used to enjoy, when you have fibro- IBS, a shopping trip to your local supermarket is an accomplishment all on its own.
While we are on the topic of enjoying some quality time with the girls on a Friday night, forget about having a few bevvies too, in my experience all alcohol will upset and cause an IBS and Fibro flare.  
Even if you can navigate the nearest toilet with ease you are sure to end up accidently ‘letting one go’ as you are chatting with the girls or walking through the crowded shopping centre isle on late night shopping night. Don’t laugh I am serious, the first time I had IBS, I was absolutely horrified, it began after I was given some NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) by my doctor for all over joint pain, first tablet caused some nasty stomach cramps, and the second dose was followed by a nasty bout of diarrhoea, my third and final dose ended with my stomach blowing up like Mrs Puff the blow fish on SpongeBob Square Pants after one of their errant driving expeditions!
I began to fart, not just little lady like pop offs that you can get away with, by blushing and saying excuse me, I mean rip snorting changing chords seven times farts – my children thought it was hilarious as they could hear me hiding in the toilet farting from over the other side of the house…. I was not impressed to say the least!
All jokes aside when it first happened it may have been mildly entertaining… well for the children anyway, but after 6 months, hundreds of dollars’ worth of Probiotics and over the counter IBS cure all medications, I still have continuous IBS symptoms that won’t go away no matter what I do or don’t eat it is far beyond a joke.

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